News Release: SPIFFY Coalition Launches ''Talk Listen Repeat'' Campaign 11/20/2024

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November 20, 2024

SPIFFY Coalition Launches "Talk Listen Repeat" Campaign to Empower Parents in Hampshire County to Address Youth Substance Use

Hampshire County, MA — 11-20-24 — The Strategic Planning Initiative for Families and Youth (SPIFFY) Coalition of Hampshire County is pleased to announce the launch of its public service campaign, Talk Listen Repeat, aimed at parents and caregivers of teens and pre-teens. The campaign encourages open dialogue between parents and their children about the risks associated with substance use, including alcohol and cannabis.

The Talk Listen Repeat campaign, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), kicked off in September and will continue throughout the school year. It is designed to help parents and caregivers engage in meaningful, science-based conversations with their children about the potential risks of substance use, and is rooted in national surveillance data, peer-reviewed academic research, and local Prevention Needs Assessment Survey (PNAS) data. The campaign includes an informative website, featuring online resources, fact sheets on the science of alcohol and cannabis, and a downloadable Parent/Caregiver Conversation Guide to help navigate these critical discussions. 

"We know that open, honest conversations between parents and young people can be a powerful protective factor in preventing substance misuse," said Lisa Goldsmith, SPIFFY Coalition Manager. "Through the resources on our website, we aim to empower parents to feel confident in their ability to talk to their children about substances and underscore the  risks of using cannabis, alcohol, and other substances."

A central feature of the campaign is a series of video interviews with local parents, who share their personal stories and advice on having conversations with their children about substance use. These video clips are available on the campaign website and are intended to inspire and motivate other parents to engage in these important discussions.

Shawn Fortin, one of the parents interviewed, commented, "Have the conversation. There's some hesitation usually around starting it, but I think what I've learned to be most beneficial is asking questions, starting with putting everything you know or think you know on the table."

The Talk Listen Repeat campaign is also reaching the community through targeted outreach. In addition to PVTA bus signs and social media advertisements, a link to the campaign website has been featured in the Daily Hampshire Gazette throughout October.

The campaign itself will continue throughout the 2024-25 school year. The key goal of the campaign is to nudge parents to take the initiative, however daunting, to open the door to an ongoing dialogue with their kids about substance use and its potential harms.Organizers also hope that the resources created for the campaign can correct common misperceptions about youth substance use, parent approval, and youth perceptions of risk.

About SPIFFY Coalition:
The Strategic Planning for Families and Youth (SPIFFY) Coalition is a community-driven organization working to reduce youth substance misuse and foster healthy, resilient communities across Hampshire County, MA. SPIFFY is housed within the Collaborative for Educational Services. Through data-driven prevention strategies and collaborative efforts with over 80 local organizations, SPIFFY aims to create a future where young people thrive in safe, supportive environments. The coalition also administers the Prevention Needs Assessment Survey (PNAS) to gather critical data on youth substance use behaviors.The Talk Listen Repeat campaign is informed by the latest survey data and other trusted public health sources to ensure that parents receive the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Lisa Goldsmith, SPIFFY Coalition Manager, (413) 239-7365